San Diego

Does your insurance cover damage from flooding?

With all this rain, insurance companies are going to be flooded with claims from San Diego families whose homes and cars have been damaged

NBC Universal, Inc.

Sergio Flores with NBC 7 and Telemundo 20 Responds has advice if you need file a claim if your car or home were damaged,

If you live in San Diego, you likely received a flash flood warning on your phone Monday morning. If you’re one of the unlucky ones whose home was damaged, here's what you need to know about filing a claim:

San Diego house flooded after Monday's rain.

Does my insurance cover the damage?

First, figure out if you have flood insurance, which is separate from your regular homeowner's insurance policy.

Flood insurance will cover damage from water that makes its way into your home from the ground. Other damage caused by the storm itself may be covered under your regular homeowner's insurance — like a roof leak, wind damage or a tree falling on your house.

What about your car? If it's damaged by floodwater falling trees, or something else, will that be covered? You need to check if you have comprehensive coverage, which is separate from collision coverage. 

Vehicles flooded by Monday's rain

If you need to file a claim with your flood, homeowner's or auto insurer, here’s what you need to do:

  • Take pictures and videos of everything. Documenting the damage and problems can help during the claims process
  • Don’t delay. Contact your insurance company as soon as possible, since they are likely to be very busy processing claims. You want to get the process started ASAP.

One more note, Consumer Reports says, in most cases, you shouldn’t file a claim for any damage that’s lower than the cost of your deductible. The exception is water damage. That's because what seems like a small problem could signal a bigger, more expensive mess lurking inside the walls or ceiling. Remember: Insurance claims take time, so keep all your paperwork organized.

Drone image of state Rout 78 flooding on Monday
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