Kids Fail to Crash Courses

Local community college students are finding it harder than ever to get into classes.

Enrollment for most of the state's community colleges is up 10 percent and the budgets are down the same amount.

For the Grossmont-Cuyamaca district, that means 2,000 more students --- yet $10 million less to teach them with. As a result, the district had to cut 300 course selections for the fall session.

Fewer classes and fewer school services mean longer lines --- and more frustration.

“I've been to like five different classes this year trying to crash to get in an I haven't been able to,” said student Albert Luffman.

In the center of campus, two walls are half-filled with available classes. In past years, there were four walls, overflowing with computer printouts.

”If the classes aren't here they're going to have to go to different schools like Cuyamaca, then going to Grossmont,” said Adolph Juarez. “Going back and forth. It's too difficult for that.”

People like Sabra Bradley, who are using Grossmont to start a whole new chapter in life, are facing a completely different hurdle.

“After almost 30 years of selling real estate, I find out there's no market right now,” said Bradley. “ At least, to make a living. So, I'm reinventing.”

The longer it takes Sabra to find classes, the longer it takes her to graduate.

“We're the answer to the economic woes and the recession, helping people get back into the workforce, helping them deal with the problems in their own lives,” said Cindy Miles, District Chancellor at Grossmont-Cuyamaca. “Our funding is cut the most, we can't meet the needs.

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