Pink Jeep Tours — You In?

Pink may or may not be your color of choice and focusing on flowers is probably not why you head for Las Vegas, but maybe, just maybe, you should reconsider if you're paying a visit to Sin City during the next two months.

Thanks to a wet February, desert wildflowers are already blooming, and, between now and the end of April, Pink Jeep Tours will show them to you -- in Death Valley no less -- and throw in a tour of the ghost town (Rhyolite, Nev.) to boot. On top of that, tour providers will pick you up at a Las Vegas hotel, feed you lunch and, over the course of the next 10 hours of so, show you fields full of some of the 1,000 different species of wildflowers, including 23 of which can only be found in the lowest spot in America, nearly 300 feet below sea level.

For more information, check out the company Web site.

When you think about it, a day of sightseeing could end up saving you money, since there aren't any slot machines on board any of the Pink Jeeps.

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