Left Coast Micro-Brew Fest

Spend a sunshiny Saturday in San Clemente trying some top-notch regional foams.

IT'S NOT QUITE SUMMERTIME... but to say that SoCalers aren't revving up their summer ways would not be true. The beaches saw plenty of spring break traffic, even on foggy mornings, and outdoor cinema festivals are getting an early start. Alongside all of the warm-weather staples come the brew bashes, those mega gatherings where regional craft brewing experts come together to talk with beer buffs and those just getting to know the ins/outs of why hops and barley lend a beverage its kick. One of the first out of the not-yet-summer gate is the Left Coast Brewing Micro-Brew Festival. It's a festival that attracts aficionados from San Diego, Los Angeles, and parts all over, as sippers want to get better acquainted with what some of Southern California's craftiest breweries are up to these days. There are 15 in all signed on for the festival's sixth outing, which will take place on...

SATURDAY, APRIL 23 in San Clemente. The afternoon-long to-do isn't just about the tastes, though those are definitely on the centerstage, but about seeing what a working brewery does. How to enjoy a tour of the brewery? Buy a VIP ticket. Other happenings, including food trucks and tunes are on the docket. And as for those area foam experts who'll be joining Left Coast for the libation-y lark? Ballast Point, Mission Brewery, Newport Beach Brewing Company, and several more sudsy stalwarts are on the rundown.

THE BENEFICIARY... of the festival? You'll help support and fund the "military welcome-home events" planned by the San Clemente Chamber of Commerce. For more info on that, and finding a place nearby to bed down for the night (best line up your transport, too), visit the Chamber's online HQ.

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