
Rooftop Cinema Club Turns Winter Wonderland With a Holiday-Inspired Movie Lineup

There will be a stacked lineup of all your favorite iconic holiday films shown atop Downtown San Diego

NBC Universal, Inc.

The temperature is cooling down for the winter and holiday decorations are popping up all around town. What better way is there to get in the holiday spirit than to cozy up by the fire and watch a classic winter movie? How about cozying up at the Manchester Grand Hyatt hotel rooftop in the Downtown San Diego Embarcadero and watching classic holiday flicks?

From now until Dec. 23, San Diegans can indulge in their favorite nostalgic holiday-themed movies. The holiday films range from animated cartoons such as “The Polar Express” and “The Grinch” to romance dramas like “Love Actually” and “The Holiday.”

For the true cinephiles who love the original craftsmanship of movies from back in the day, you can catch "It’s a Wonderful Life” on Dec. 21.

If you’d like to join the Jelly of the Month Club, you can catch one of the showings of “National Lampoons Christmas Vacation.”

“Die Hard” even makes the list of winter movies. It will be shown at the Rooftop Cinema Club on Dec. 17 and you can decide for yourself whether it’s a holiday movie or not.

There will even be plenty of comedies to fit right in with the holiday season such as “The Night Before,” “Home Alone” and “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.” 

For National Christmas Movie Marathon Day, the cinema club will be hosting a movie marathon of a true Christmas staple, “Elf.” There will be three showings on Dec. 23 for the “Elf-A-Thon.” Each screening will have an “Elf Bingo Bananza” where guests can join in to compete in movie quote bingo. So don’t be a cotton-headed ninny muggins and refresh your memory on all the best lines to win a free prize. 

The Rooftop Cinema Club also offers showings with open captions, so viewers can read along during different films. There are all sorts of different categories for the showings, so make sure to see what fits best for you -- whether its a Wooftop: Pet-Friendly Screening where you can bring your furry little reindeer or a National Ugly Sweater Day showing where you can boast about your most hideous sweater. 

For a full list of the films that will be shown this winter at The Rooftop Cinema Club Embarcadero, visit their website here.

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