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All lanes of westbound SR-52 in Kearny Mesa area to close this weekend: Caltrans
All lanes of westbound state Route 52 in the Kearny Mesa area are expected to be closed this weekend due to roadwork, officials said.
Policía de San Diego busca al sospechoso de agresión sexual en Clairemont
La policía de San Diego está pidiendo la ayuda del público para identificar al sospechoso en una serie de agresiones sexuales en Clairemont.
San Diego police seek to identify suspect in sexual battery incidents in Clairemont
San Diego police are asking for the public’s help to identify the suspect in a series of sexual batteries in Clairemont.
Detienen a un sospechoso de matar a un menor y herir a 4 adolescentes en una fiesta
Carlos Maldonado, de 18 años, fue puesto bajo custodia a las 2:30 a.m. y ha sido acusado de asesinato, informó el Departamento de Policía de National City.
Arrest made in National City house party shooting that killed boy, hurt 4 teens
Four months after a shooting during a large party at a vacant house in National City left a 12-year-old boy dead and four others injured, an 18-year-old man has been arrested, officials said Thursday.
Habrá más lluvias para este viernes, antes de un fin de semana soleado
Se esperan chubascos intermitentes y en su mayoría ligeros hasta media tarde, aunque algunos chubascos podrían persistir en el este del condado hasta la noche, según NBC 7.
Friday rain moves through San Diego County before weekend weather warm-up
On-and-off and mostly light showers are expected through mid-to-late afternoon, though a few showers could linger in East County into the evening hours, according to NBC 7 meteorologists.
Bomberos combaten incendio en un edificio abandonado en Liberty Station: San Diego Fire-Rescue
El miércoles por la noche se declaró un incendio en un edificio abandonado de Liberty Station, según informaron las autoridades.
Crews battle fire at abandoned building at Liberty Station: San Diego Fire-Rescue
A fire broke out at an abandoned building at Liberty Station on Wednesday night, officials said.
Heavy rain floods roadways, prompts rescues in La Jolla and across San Diego
The sun was returning to San Diego County on Friday after a winter storm brought heavy downpours that flooded roadways and prompted rescues.