Police Remain Mum About Mysterious Murder

Shaima Alawadi, 32, was found bloodied and beaten inside her home on March 21

It has been three months since an El Cajon woman was mysteriously murdered, but no arrest have been made and El Cajon Police are not talking about their investigation.

Shaima Alawadi, 32, was found bloodied and beaten inside her home on March 21. Her 17-year-old daughter Fatima found her on the floor of their dining room with a note nearby.

The death of Alawadi, an Iraqi immigrant, reverberated across the nation because her family claimed they found threatening notes in their home, calling them "terrorists.”

El Cajon police investigators said they believed the killing was an isolated incident and records suggest Alawadi's death may not have been a hate crime.

However, Alawadi's neighbors say they have their own theories about this case.

"We all kind of assume it was a family thing, you know and that hopefully, it's not ever going to happen again. It's pretty horrible,” Anna Midgett, a neighbor, said.

Search warrant documents that were filed by El Cajon police, revealed problems in Alawadi family. Shaima Alawadi was allegedly considering a divorce, and moving to Texas. Her 17-year-old daughter was also allegedly rebelling, and possibly resisted an arranged marriage.

"I know it was within the family. I'm sure it is,” said neighbor Sharon Guest.

Neighbors said that more visible Muslims live openly in the area, and have not been harassed or attacked.

"So why would somebody do that to them, out of hate, when there's other people in the neighborhood that you know, are much more, less-liked,” Midgett said.

El Cajon Police won't discuss anything about their investigation, or the different theories of the crime.

"Because I think they have all the evidence they need they just need to build the case stronger,” Guest said.

A man who knows the Alawadi family described family members as close and loving, and says he can't believe any of them killed Shaima Alawadi. He also says, if they did, they certainly would not have returned to El Cajon after going to Alawadi's funeral in Iraq.

Her husband and children moved away, shortly after her murder and the house Alawadi was killed in is now for sale. The husband spoke briefly with NBCSanDiego, but did not wish to be interviewed.

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Police Remain Mum About Mysterious Murder
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