Occupy San Diego has moved into the Civic Theater outdoor space downtown – and they’re starting to get comfortable.
The movement that began as an angry cry against corporate greed has turned into a gathering of frustrated San Diegans living in small tent city, with 97 dwellings and growing. Occupy SD supporters aren’t necessarily roughing it – they have access to food, entertainment and medical care.
While typical hygienic needs, such as bathrooms or showers, are hard to come by in the immediate area the Occupy SD group has plenty to offer its supporters. Food is being provided by donations from local businesses, while one woman made fresh squeezed orange juice to hand out to campers.
A community medical tent is set up to assist anyone with health issues. The group has basic medical needs, such as band aids or over the counter medicine. Located immediately next door to the people’s clinic is the “comfort tent” which has clean towels, water and snacks.
Supporters seeking arts and entertainment can check out a book at the group’s small library which is comprised of a few books on a movable cart. There’s also a giant Monopoly game for those wishing to enjoy a board game.
The small garden outside one tent may be a testament to how long the group plans on staying. Lettuce, tomatoes and herbs were planted inside plastic containers and old coffee cans in hopes of growing something other than a movement.
For basic needs, organizer Kali Katt said people living in the downtown area have helped with bathrooms and showers. Additionally, a map has been set up to guide tent dwellers to the nearest facility.
Inspiration for supporters came in the form of a tree just outside the main tent area. The colorful branches sparkle as the group’s beacon of hope. Small paper hearts tied with string contain inscriptions of the supporters’ hopes for the movement. “Jobs that pay a decent salary,” one heart-shaped wish shows. The wishes varied from “Destroy capitalism” to “Forgive student debt” and “I wish to legalize weed.”
While it is unsure whether officials will step in, Katt said the campers plan to occupy the area “indefinitely.”