Note: This story was updated on September 14 to include newly filed information reflecting why the plaintiffs are opposing the request to move the trial date.
Donald Trump and his attorneys have requested the trial date in one of the Trump University class-action lawsuits be moved to a later date, according to federal court documents filed Monday.
A San Diego federal judge scheduled the Low v. Trump case to begin November 28. Trump and his attorneys are asking the date to be moved to either to January 2, 2017 or December 12, 2016 “in order to resolve a scheduling conflict,” the court document details.
According to the court document, Daniel Petrocelli, one of Trump’s attorneys, is the lead trial attorney in another case involving Sirius Radio. That trial is set to begin on November 15 and “is estimated to last seven court days.” The current schedule would “prevent Mr. Petrocelli from conducting the necessary pretrial work and preparation in this case,” and “defendants will suffer substantial prejudice,” the documents detail.
Click here to read the complete court document.
In court documents filed Wednesday, Jason Forge writing for the plaintiffs, said he opposes any more delays. Four months ago the court chose a trial date that wouldn’t conflict with the presidential campaign or the holidays, he wrote in the court documents.
"We have waited six and half years to get this case to trial,” Forge wrote. "There is no mystery about what happened here....a possible Trump victory (in the presidential election) would spawn a host of potential new excuses to postpone trial for years.”
Click here to read the complete opposition filed by the plaintiffs.
The Trump University lawsuits allege the former university, which took in over $40 million, was fraudulent and deceptive. Two class-action lawsuits against the now-closed Trump University are being heard in San Diego courtrooms; another lawsuit is based in a New York court.
The San Diego cases include: Cohen v. Trump, a nationwide class action lawsuit and Low v. Trump, a class action in California, Florida and New York. Trump denies the allegations in the lawsuits.