Suspect Had History of Physical Abuse: Docs

Court documents reveal Roble's ex-wife filed a restraining order

The man charged with murdering 34-year-old Kathleen Scharbarth had a history of physical abuse, according to court documents.

When Scharbarth was dating Michael Robles, 43, he was going through a long, and very bitter divorce from Erin Robles, the mother of his two children.

In court documents, Erin claimed Michael Robles verbally and physically abused her.

In July 2007, Robles accused Erin Robles of having an affair. He allegedly threw her on her bed and choked her.

Erin Robles said Michael “Kept on pushing harder and harder. I thought I was going to die. He was out of control.”

Erin Robles said she survived that attack by pretending to pass out.

Those court records in Orange County show that a judge issued a restraining order against Michael Robles in 2008, and that it was renewed at least three times.

His former wife also alleged that Robles threw her against a car, and refused to give her custody of their children, when he was living in the North County.

Robles denied those allegations.

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Restraining Order Reveals Details in Woman's Death
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