Comic Book Legend Stan Lee Kicks Off Military Concert Series in San Diego

A special military concert series sponsored by comic book legend Stan Lee kicked off in San Diego Friday night with hundreds of military service members in attendance.

The concert, featuring the rising country band Gloriana, was held at the Pacific View Events Center at Camp Pendleton as part of “Stan Lee’s Power Concerts” series, which is aimed to honor the superheroes of the Armed Forces and their families by bringing live entertainment to the homefront.

The all-ages show began at 7 p.m. and was also open the general public. Military members were given a special rate on admission tickets.

Close to 300 people bought tickets to Friday’s concert at Camp Pendleton. Inside, attendees got to watch Gloriana perform and got a chance to meet renowned comic book creator Lee.

Stan Lee Hosts Military Concert in SD

The entertaining night was a hit with service members.

“When things like this happen and people try and give back, it does feel good because it’s motivation to keep going,” Lance Cpl. Wade Bartels with the U.S. Marine Corps told NBC 7.

According to the “Stan Lee’s Power Concerts” website, that exactly what the concerts are designed to do: show “profound appreciation for our troops and their families.”

Gloriana – fresh off a performance on “The Tonight Show” – greeted fans backstage before the show, while Lee held a special meet-and-greet.

Paul Stamas, an avid, 11-year-old fan of Lee, said he was extremely nervous and excited to meet his idol. Stamas’ Marine sergeant uncle got him tickets to Friday’s event.

“My knees are shaking right now and I have butterflies in my stomach,” the boy said as he approached Lee, asking him to sign a comic book.

Lee joked with Stamas and signed the book.

At 90 years old, Lee hasn’t lost his spunk and sense of humor.

More importantly, he hasn’t lost his strong admiration of the U.S. military.

“All my life, I’ve created fictional super heroes. These [military] guys are the real super heroes!” Lee told NBC 7.

Lee said he began developing this concert series for the troops last year. His company, POW! Entertainment will host events at military bases, with proceeds going back to military charities like the Wounded Warriors.

For Lee, giving back to the military is incredibly important.

“Where would we be without them? They give up so much to do what they're doing and so often they're just taken for granted,” he added.

Lee’s concerts will continue throughout different bases in the U.S. The rest of the lineup hasn’t been announce just yet, but for more information, visit this website.

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