For the first time in San Diego’s history, sailors will march in their uniforms at the annual Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Pride Parade.
The announcement by a spokesperson for Navy Region Southwest confirmed the authorization, largely made acceptable by this year’s repeal of the federal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy.”
Prior to his announcement, some servicemembers said they received mixed messages from Naval Medical Center San Diego about this weekend’s parade and Pride celebration.
However, the official decision clarified the confusion, a Navy spokesperson told NBC 7 Wednesday.
Last year, nearly 200 active duty and retired military men and women turned out for the Pride Celebration. They wore t-shirts with their branch of the military on them. This year, they’ll be able to wear their uniforms, on the condition that they are worn to code.
Members of the Marine Corps and the Coast Guard are not permitted to wear their uniforms, according to San Diego Gay and Lesbian News. Members of the Army and Air Force can march if they get permission from their commanding officers.
For more on the events at this year’s Pride celebration, click here.
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