SDPD Investigated Anonymous Emails Sent to DeMaio Accuser: Warrants

Editor's note: On Nov. 23, 2015, Todd Bosnich was sentenced for obstructing justice after he admitted he created a phony email to make it appear DeMaio or his associates were threatening him. He also admitted to lying to the FBI about the email.

Search warrant affidavits unsealed Friday show San Diego Police investigated several anonymous, harassing emails sent to former Carl DeMaio campaign staffer Todd Bosnich, who later accused the candidate of sexual harassment.

One of the eight affidavits, obtained by NBC 7 Investigates through a San Diego Superior Court judge, states: “Bosnich provided Sergeant Holden a printed email sent to him on June 2, 2014 from an email account (redacted). The sender wrote ‘Todd, your attempt to lie will quickly be rebuffed by facts. And in your own words no less.’

Forwarded with that email was a message sent to Victoria Znorski, Bosnich’s mother, by Bosnich on May 23.

Emails May Reveal New Details About DeMaio Accuser

In that correspondence, Znorksi asked Bosnich if he was still getting paid. Bosnich responded and asked his mother to leave him alone because he was responsible for a “huge f--k up” and had to be fired as the campaign’s policy director.

Znorksi later met with police and told them she doesn’t remember receiving the email from Bosnich and doesn’t think she ever sent him an email asking Bosnich if he was still getting paid by the DeMaio campaign.

NBC 7 Investigates had previously asked Bosnich and his attorney about that email when it was provided to us by someone close to the DeMaio campaign.

Bosnich’s attorney Bibi Fell said Bosnich didn’t send this email either. It “was sent after Todd was fired and his access to his email address had been cut off,” said Fell.

The anonymous emails sent to Bosnich were the subject of FBI interviews with potential witnesses in late October, sources confirmed.

In a CNN interview that aired Oct. 10, Bosnich accused DeMaio of unwelcome touching and repeated sexual harassment.

DeMaio called the allegations “outrageous lies” and in turn accused Bosnich of a May campaign headquarters break-in during which campaign information was stolen.

The San Diego District Attorney and the SDPD both said there was not enough evidence in either the harassment case or the break-in case to file charges.

But the search warrants also reveal that Bosnich was the one who gave confidential DeMaio campaign information to his opponent in the race for the 52nd Congressional District, Scott Peters. Read more about that revelation by clicking here.

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