More than 22,000 notices were sent out to property taxpayers who have gone into default in San Diego County.
The taxpayers had failed to pay their property taxes in 2016-2017, according to the San Diego County Treasurer-Tax Collector Dan McAllister.
"Last year we mailed 19,207 default notices, so we saw a slight jump in the number of people who went into default this year - 22,512," said McAllister, in a statement. "Nevertheless, our overall collection rate was 99.2 percent, one of the highest in the state, which shows the vast majority of San Diego property owners pay what they owe and pay on time."
For every month a bill is unpaid, there is an extra 1.5 percent penalty--which will accrue until the bill is paid off completely.
The total amount of money due to the county in unpaid property taxes is $100,913, 592.
If property taxpayers have been in default for more than five years, the Treasure-Tax Collector may sell off the property, under California State law.