Mayor Kevin Faulconer has proposed that San Diegans vote on the Soccer City plan in a special election this November.
"I think it's very clear that there's an opportunity now to move forward," said Faulconer.
The mayor makes this proposal in light of a recent surge in anti-Soccer City sentiment. San Diego State University has distanced itself from the plan.
SDSU released a statement in mid-May that the school is no longer involved with the Soccer City redevelopment plan.
"A year delay puts in jeopardy all the benefits the city is going to get. That is not in the best interest of San Diego," said Faulconer.
Developers from Soccer City will host five open house meetings starting on Monday to answer questions from the public.
The mayor is making an effort to garner more support for the Soccer City redevelopment plan. Faulconer would also like to raise a hotel tax to fund the Convention Center's expansion.
If the City of San Diego holds a special election this year rather than waiting until next year, this will cost the city up to $5 million in additional expenses.