Two men fell from a cliff Sunday onto the beach at Sunset Cliffs Boulevard and Ladera Street in Ocean Beach.
Elise Moyer who was taking engagement photos on the beach at the time witnessed the men fall and said, "It was really surreal."
Despite posted warnings, the men, described as in their 20s, sat on the edge of a cliff. Suddenly the first man fell about 50 feet, followed by a second man.
"They fell off 4 to 5 seconds of each other," said witness Travis Thursby.

"Within seconds both of them landed on the hard packed beach below," said another witness Chris Werdenberg.
He was one of the witnesses on the beach who ran to help.
"One had a severe head injury on one side of his face, really traumatic. The other had a broken wrist that was unbearable to look at," he said.
A nurse happened to be close by.
"When she got to him he was unconscious and was not breathing did not have a pulse," said Werdenberg.
"She took charge right away," said Thursby. "She gave him CPR."
Werdenberg added, "She is the hero of the day and certainly saved his life."
Paramedics strapped the men onto stretchers, hoisting them into the air, onto rescue helicopters and took both to the hospital in critical condition.
Witnesses said the men appeared to be drinking alcohol and fooling around before they fell. That information could not be confirmed. San Diego Police are investigating.