Cement Truck Overturned on I-8 at SR-163

The truck overturned on the transition from westbound I-8 to soutbound SR-163

A cement mixer overturned on a San Diego highway pinning a man inside the cab.

The accident happened at 10:40 a.m. on westbound Interstate 8 just east of State Route 163.

San Diego Fire-Rescue crews brought in wedges of wood to try and lift the cab of the truck off the ground in an attempt to get to the victim.

After more than 30 minutes, firefighters were able to free the man trapped inside. He was wheeled away on a gurney with a bandaged left arm.

Crews Rescue Pinned Driver in Rollover Wreck

San Diego Fire-Rescue Battalion Chief Ben Castro said it was a complicated rescue that could have potentially endangered emergency workers.

"The way that it was positioned on the freeway kind of put, added another concern for us because we didn't wanna put our personnel in a position to where, as we started moving the cab there was a chance it could've tipped over on our personnel," Castro said.

A second man was riding in the cab but he was able to escape the accident without injury.

The California Highway Patrol said the collision happened when the truck and another vehicle collided entering the transition road. The other driver was not injured. 

CHP officers diverted traffic but the incident caused delays for westbound traffic along I-8 for several miles.

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