A New Home Is This Bear's Necessity

A young black bear found out in the wilderness needs some help to make San Diego his new home.

Right now the Bear is staying at a rescue sanctuary called Lions, Tigers and Bears (LTB), which mainly saves big cats like tigers and lions. But the group needs $100,000 in donations to help build an expanded enclosure.

Fish and Game Field Agent Kevin Brennan rescued the 60-pound black bear at the Mankar campground in the Mt. Baldy area on Fourth of July. His children aptly named the bear โ€œLiberty.โ€

He says visitors often feed the bears, which does them more harm than good.

"A fed bear is a dead bear," Brennan said. "Enjoy seeing the bears, take a picture, but please don't interact with them or feed them."

The bears cannot be relocated or rehabilitated once they are dependant on humans for food, Brennan said. The solution is often euthanasia.

Lucky for Liberty, LTB founder Bobbi Brink was willing to help in this case. But she needs donations soon as Liberty will soon outgrow the current temporary enclosure.

For more information or to make a donation, please visit the Lions, Tigers & Bears website.

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