Apple Days: Julian's Juiciest Jamboree

Revel in sheer pie-dom over the last weekend in September.

COUNTING ON THE THINGS WE LOVE... in life is of great comfort, no matter what time of year it happens to be. If you dig sourdough, you're going to find a great loaf at a San Francisco bakery (and it doesn't even have to be National Bread Day). If you like fish tacos, make for a stand near the sand in Encinitas or Huntington Beach or Ventura. And if apple pie rings your particular bell, you know that a slow drive up, up, up to Julian is going to be your crust-flaky, cinnamon-scented reward, even at the height of summer (or winter or spring). Of course, autumn and apple pies are woven together like two tightly braided things, and the town takes note of that each September with a weekend-long lark devoted to its famous fruit. And whether you like that fruit cider-ized, or on a stick, or folded into a oven-browned layer of pastry, you'll want to be at Menghini Winery in the Cuyamaca Mountains-based burg over the last weekend in September. That's...

SATURDAY, SEPT. 24 AND SUNDAY, SEPT. 25... in 2016, better known as Julian Apple Days Festival. So many fest-y things'll be afoot, from dancing to music to a beer garden to wine sipping, but you may want to head for the apple pie first. (Truly, Julian is one of the only places where pie as a starter is completely acceptable and expected.) A ticket is five bucks for adults, and kids ages 12 and under enter for free. Will you be one of the first 100 people there, in your quest for early-autumn pie-flavored joy? You'll be awarded a gratis pie server, an implement that's welcome in every dessert-loving kitchen. Fall and one of its best-loved, most-obsessed treats is nearly here, so get excited.

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